Posted in Crohn's Disease, Health

Chronic Illness: The Mental Game

For those not “in the know,” I’ve been dealing with the effects of Crohn’s Disease for awhile now and was just diagnosed in January.

After you get over the diagnosis, the fatigue, the malaise, the pain and the scary medications they may put you on, it really becomes a mental game with the worst conclusion to any game you have played:

You will never get better. You will always have to deal with this. You will forever have medical bills. You will always feel like a burden.

There, I said it. Some days I can shut this voice off, but when the house is a mess, the bills are stacking up and I’m constantly fighting with my insurance company, I really can’t help it.

Some days I really just feel like a burden.

I’ve heard this echoed from others that have chronic illnesses such as diabetes, fibromyalgia, etc. It doesn’t help when you’re lying in a hospital bed feeling as if you’re contributing nothing society. Sure they love you, but you really feel like you’re just inconveniencing their entire life by even existing; that they may be happier without you.

This is why it is SO important for anyone to have a support system when dealing with these types of conditions. No matter how large or how small, being there for someone that needs it can make a huge difference in their mental outlook. Even if it’s just an ear without really any advice to contribute, it helps just having someone to vent frustrations to. I believe a more positive outlook makes a huge difference when it comes to managing chronic illness — at least it did for me.

Damn, that was deep! Are you someone managing a chronic illness? Do you ever feel the same way? To use a networking cliche, “I’d love to connect!” Leave a comment below.

Until tomorrow,
~Katie ☙